Tuesday, June 14, 2016

On Privilege: There But for the Grace...

Amongst all this frivolity I have to mention that I haven't forgotten how lucky I am to have the freedom to walk down the street, to travel, to study and to basically do as I please, free from oppression, prejudice and violence.

I am having a wonderful time travelling the world, with the money, privilege and opportunity to do so, and be cared for by family and friends, judged neither for my choices nor who I am. Not everyone does.

Makes me sad to think this mode of expression isn't just art, but necessary

I am not religious but I think I will be forgiven for borrowing an expression I really believe in -- there but for the grace of God, go I. And whatever you believe or don't believe in, whoever you are, whatever you have or don't have, it is up to all of us to recognise our own privilege and stand up for those who don't have that privilege.

Gadsden flag at the USS Constitution at half-mast

Orlando, FL, and everyone with less privilege than I, I'm thinking of you.

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