Monday, June 13, 2016

There's a chair in there

So, Boston is significant among American cities due to its role in establishing the nation.

But slightly more recently, Boston is famous for being home to two prestigious universities: Harvard and MIT.

Both of these famous universities are in the suburb of Cambridge, just north of the city proper, which happens to be where my mother and I are staying. We've rented an airBnB apartment there, in fact, and I'm really enjoying it because it's given me an idea of what home life is like in the area. The house, with its wooden facade, molding and bay windows, from what I hear, seems to be typical of New England/East Coast architecture, but is certainly a novelty to me.

settee sofa in the apartment

One funny thing is that everywhere we've been - Boston Public Library, the universities - has what I think of as 'fancy chairs' -- carved wooden chairs with fabric upholstery -- often with teens sprawled on them using their mobile devices (playing Angry Birds, no doubt), or in the case of our own building's foyer, left unceremoniously in a corner. And in the apartment living room, under the bay window, stands a settee sofa with floral upholstery. I've been drawn to it every time I enter the room, but on closer inspection the wood is cracked in a few places and who knows, maybe it was just picked up from a kerbside or something by the homeowners as an extra furnishing. My point is that this kind of decor is clearly a dime a dozen here so we must look so silly exclaiming over "pretty chairs"!

Oh look - I meant to talk about the universities and I've spent the time talking about pretty chairs. (See what I mean?) Oops.

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