Tuesday, June 7, 2016

We meet again!

Uh, hi guys!

I’m writing to you from somewhere in the Pacific. Or, more accurately, 37 000 ft* above the Pacific Ocean. I don’t think there’s many recognisable landmarks here, or at least they’re not shown on this flight map.

Since I’m here – yes, I am on my way to the USA again. I don’t really ever plan trips, but when my mother decides to visit her family, I tend to go along. I mean, why not?

I started this blog in 2012 when I visited the East Coast and in fact the USA for the very first time and people really seemed to enjoy my naïve observations of the US, so I thought I’d continue it. Only thing is, I visited in 2014 too – and spent that trip on the West Coast. I guess I must’ve assumed that since it wasn’t my first trip to the country, I wouldn’t have anything interesting to add. Or perhaps I just plain forgot about this blog… my point is, I didn’t blog at all that trip. (You must have been simply desolate without my blathering.) But actually, every time I’ve come to the US I’ve been somewhere new, and of course discovered something new. Thus, the chronicle continues. So hello again, from 2016, where I visit both East and West! Whoo!

The next post will be a quick catch-up on the highlights of 2014’s West Coast trip, so no one will be left wondering what they missed. (I know you won’t sleep until you find out.) Then it’ll be straight on to real-time updates from USA 2016!

* Don’t ask me how much that is in metres. They’ve only given me feet and I haven’t paid for WiFi…

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