Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I really like Philadelphia. Maybe because I didn’t have my expectations built up like New York and DC, but also because it’s a nice combination of old and new. Not to mention – Philly cheesesteak at Pat’s? I got a pleasant surprise – it’s good stuff!

Scrapple, however, which I had with pancakes at The Dutch Eating Place (Start Your Day The Amish Way), must be an acquired taste.

Also saw the LOVE statue today – I like how small it is. I was warned it’s underwhelming, but I love that such a tiny statue created such a well-known icon.

Dinner was at a diner back in suburban New Jersey – not the burger and shake kind, the family restaurant kind. I discovered it’s LOTS of good food (with a huge variety!) for a ridiculously low price. If I lived here, I think I’d be at the diner all the time.


  1. Where in Jersey! And good for you, I haven't had Pat's, but I've had Geno's.

    1. Ooh, how was Geno's? I've gotta try Geno's next time I'm back there. You should try Pat's next time, it was good! From what I'd heard about cheesesteak, I was expecting something ridiculously fatty and rich, but it was surprisingly light and good-tasting. I got wit, cheez whiz. *g*


Have you a had a similar or very different experience? I'd love to know!