Saturday, July 21, 2012

Today we began wandering what I now call the city of Parthenons, after the abundance of buildings with grand front pillars in exactly the same style as each other.

I saw the White House, of course. There was a big fence around its garden so we couldn’t get the photos one would want, but there were still a lot of tourists taking photos with the House in front of the fence. It was interesting to see what tourists do at the White House gates – pose for photos reading The Economist, pose for photos ‘climbing’ the fence, and taking photos of their stuffed animals with the White House (that guy was related to me).

We had Five Guys, ‘cause we’re fans of Obama’s Five Guys addiction, which was not bad – the burger was pretty normal other than the standard two meat patties, but the chips were really good.

I actually wasn’t that interested in those iconic buildings, but I did enjoy the museums. One of the most fun parts of the day was seeing my cousins go crazy in a CVS, helping me fulfil my American dream of eating all the standard junk food fare.

Edit: I forgot some! Here we go:


  1. ...I KNEW I should've stolen away in your suitcase...

    1. Teehee! Glad someone else appreciates my kind of 'experiencing American culture'.


Have you a had a similar or very different experience? I'd love to know!